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12-31-09)Ordinance # 2008-22Rezone 8.58± acres in Gov\u2019t Section 22, Township 11 South, Range 30 East lying west of right-of-way line of US Hwy 1 from AC and COM-3 Districts to PSP and PRS Districts Ordinance # 2009-1Rezone 2.0± acres parcel and a 0.23± acre parcel located adjacent to Old Brick Road from County\u2019s General Commercial (C-2) to City\u2019s COM-2Ordinance # 2009-2Rezone 18.1± acres of land located at 50 Citation Boulevard from County\u2019s Agriculture (AC) District to City\u2019s PSP DistrictOrdinance # 2009-7City-initiated rezoning for 9.2± acres that is part of Long\u2019s Landing Change 2.5± acres from MFR-1 District to PRS District Change 6.7± acres from MFR-1 District to P&G DistrictOrdinance # 2009-8City-initiated rezoning for portion of Parcel 3 of Utility Drive Replat Subdivision. Parcel # 17-11-31-5865-00000-0031 containing 0.61± acres. Change from IND-1 District to PSP DistrictOrdinance # 2009-9City-initiated rezoning for Lots 22 and 23 in Midway Park Subdivision. Parcel # 08-12-31-4300-00000-0220. Change from PSP District to COM-2 DistrictOrdinance # 2009-19Total acres of land 5.61± acres City-intiated rezoning of Parcel # 18-11-31-0000-02010-0000 Change from OFC-2 to COM-2 and Parcel # 07-11-31-7081-0RPOF-0031 Change from SFR-3 to COM-2 and PRSOrdinance #2009-21Total Acres of land 7.62± acres Owner intiated rezoning Parcel # 18-11-31-1230-00000-0010 Change from COM-2 to MPD and Parcel # 18-11-31-1230-00000-00BO change from COM-2 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance # 2009-25Total Acres of land 27.79± acres City-intiated rezoning Parcel # 07-11-31-7029-RP013-0010 Change from EST-1 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance # 2010-15Total Acres of land 100± Rezoning Parcel # 08-12-31-0650-000A0-0015,Parcel # 09-12-31-0000-01070-0010 and Parcel # 09-12-31-0000-02030-0020 Change from COM -2 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance # 2011-13Total Acres of land 85± acres Rezoning Parcel # 31-12-31-5371-00000-0010,parcel # 31-12-31-5371-00000-0041, and parcel # 31-12-31-5371-00000-0020Change from COM -3 and MFR-2 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance # 2011-19Total Acres of land 4,677± acres Rezoning Parcel # 03-11-30-0000-01010-0020, 03-11-30-0000-01010-0030, 03-11-30-0000-01010-0060, 04-11-30-0000-01010-00A1, 04-11-30-0000-01010-00A2, 04-11-30-0000-01010-00B0, 04-11-30-0000-01010-00B3, 09-11-30-0000-0102A-0000, 09-11-30-0000-0102A-0030, 10-11-30-0000-01010-0000, 10-11-30-0000-01030-00A0, 16-11-30-0000-01010-0070, 20-10-30-0000-01020-0000, 21-10-30-0000-01010-0000, 27-10-30-0000-01010-0000, 27-10-30-0000-01010-0050, 28-10-30-0000-01010-0000, 28-10-30-0000-01020-0000, 28-10-30-0000-01030-0000, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0050, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0060, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0070, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0080, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0090, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0100, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0110, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0120, 28-10-30-4290-00000-0130, 28-10-30-4290-00000-00C0, 29-10-30-0000-01010-0000, 29-10-30-0000-01030-0000, 33-10-30-0000-01030-00A0, 33-10-30-0000-01030-00B2, and 34-10-30-0000-01010-0000 Change from MFR-1, MFR-2, COM-1, COM-2, COM-3, OFC-2, IND-1, PSP, P&G, and MPD pre 11-16-08 to MPD post 11-16-08Ordinance #2012-1Total Acres of Land 6,378± acres Rezoning Parcel # 12-11-29-0000-01010-0000, 13-11-29-0000-01010-0000, 14-11-29-0000-01010-0000, 15-11-29-0000-01010-0010, 15-11-29-0000-01020-0010, 18-11-30-0000-01010-0000, 19-11-30-0000-01010-0000, 20-11-30-0000-01010-0010, 23-11-29-0000-01010-0010, 24-11-29-0000-01010-0010, 25-11-29-0000-01010-0010, 29-11-30-0000-01010-0010, 30-11-30-0000-01010-0010, 30-11-30-0000-01020-0000, 32-11-30-0000-01010-0010, 33-11-30-0000-01010-0000 Change from Flagler County Agriculture to MPD post 11-16-08.Ordinance # 2012-2Total Acres of land 43.29± acres. Rezoning Parcel # 07-11-31-7034-AT2-0000, and 07-11-31-7034-AT2-0010 Change from PSP and EST-2 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance #2012-8Total Acres of land 72± acres. Rezoning Parcel # 07-11-31-7081-0RP0D-0020, 07-11-31-7081-RP0D2-0000, 42-11-31-0000-01010-0040, 42-11-31-0000-01010-0051, 17-11-31-0000-01030-0020, 17-11-31-0000-01031-0000 AND 17-11-31-0000-01030-0000 Change from EST-1/PRESERVATION, PRESERVATION, PUD/COM to MPD post 11-16-08.Ordinance # 2013-5Total Acres of Land 29.19± acres. Owner initiated rezoning Parcel #07-11-31-7005-00100-0100, 21.84+/- acres from MPD to SFR-2, and Parcel #07-11-31-7008-0000A-0000, 7.35+/- acres from MPD to P&G.Ordinance # 2013-7Total Acres of Land 379.11± acres. Deannexed land, Palm Coast Zoning designation removed.Ordinanace # 2013-12Total Acres of Land 32± acres. Rezoning Parcel #30-11-30-0000-01010-0021 from Flagler County AC to PreservationOrdinance # 2013-15Total Acres of Land 9.8± acres Rezoning Parcel #39-12-31-0000-04030-0000 from Flagler County AC to COM-2Ordinance #2013-16Total Acres of Land 33.8± acres Rezoning Parcel #29-11-31-0000-01010-0011 to PSPOrdinance #2014-3Total Acres of Land 3300± acres Rezone Graham Swamp from AC & CN to PRSOrdinance #2014-6Rezoning Parcel # 41-11-31-4975-00000-0010, Parcel # 41-11-31-4975-00000-0020, and Parcel # 41-11-31-4975-00000-0040 from COM-2 to MPD post 11-16-08 designationOrdinance #2014-8Total Acres of Land 4.1± acres. Rezoning Parcel #21-12-31-0000-01020-0010 from PUD to PSPOrdinance #2014-11Total Acres of Land 774± acres. Rezoning of Grand Landings from PUD to MPDOrdinance #2014-14Rezoning Parcel08-12-31-0650-000B0-0110 from OFC-2 to COM-2Ordinance # 2015-12Total Acres of Land 10.73± acres. Rezoning of Leighton Lane Parcels from MRF-1 to SFR-2Ordinance # 2015-15Total Acres of Land 1.1± acres. Rezoning of State Road 100 MPC Lots from AGR to COM-3Ordinace # 2016-1Rezone 10-11-30-4937-00000-0170 from IND-1 to COM-3Ordinace # 2016-2Rezone 10-11-30-4937-00000-0171 from IND-1 to COM-3Ordinance # 2017-1Ordinance # 2017-5Rezone portions of 1511300000010100000 from EST-1 to COM-2 and MFR-2Ordinance # 2017-6 REZONING 17 ACRES MATANZAS LAKES LLC PROPERTY N OF MATANZAS WOODSOrdinance # 2017-7 REZONING 5 ACRES AYRES PROPERTY N OF MATANZAS WOODS E OF LONDONOrdinance # 2017-10 REZONING 3.02 ACRES AT 149 LAKEVIEW BLVD.07-24-2017 We found an error at parcel 2211305545000000020 . Back in 2006 the FLUM designation here has been \"AGRICULTURE & TIMBERLANDS, Annexed Area, Flagler County FLUM adopted\". The way the FLUM depicted annexed area designations was altered, and between 4-8-2008 and 12-10-2008 this parcel was designated as \u201cparcels annexed from Flagler County\u201d . After 12-10-2008 the FLUM map depicted annexed areas with Flagler County FLUM designations. It was at this point that, on the FLUM map, parcel 2211305545000000020 was drawn with no FLUM designation at all. Under the guidance of Jose Papa, we corrected this on 07-24-2017, to the correct FLUM classification of \"AGRICULTURE & TIMBERLANDS, Annexed Area, Flagler County FLUM adopted\". Ordinance # 2017-20 Rezone 6.2 acres PIN 27-10-30-0000-01010-0010 from PSP to COM-1Ordinance # 2017-24Rezone 145 acres portions of PIN 25-12-30-1500-00010-0010 from IND-1, COM-3, EST-1 to MPDOrdinance # 2017-22Amended January 29 2018Ordinance # 2017-26Amended December 5 2017Ordinance # 2018-4Amended March 20 2018Ordinance # 2018-5Amended March 20 2018Ordinance # 2018-6Amended March 20, 2018Ordinance # 2018-15Amended May 15, 2018Ordinance # 2018-8Amended August 7, 2018Ordinance # 2018-19Amended September 18, 2018Ordinance # 2018-20Amended September 18, 2018Ordinance # 2018-22Amended October 2, 2018Ordinance # 2018-27Amended November 20, 2018Ordinance # 2019-03Amended March 5, 2019Ordinance # 2019-05Amended March 19, 2019Ordinance # 2019-06Amended March 19, 2019Scrivener Error CorrectionAmended April 29, 2019. Changed Parcel ID 0711317035001900120 from PSP to SFR-2Amended May 7, 2019 (Ordinance # 2019-09)Amended May 21, 2019 (Ordinance # 2019-10)Amended May 21, 2019 (Ordinance # 2019-11)Amended June 4, 2019 (Ordinance # 2019-13)Scrivener Error CorrectionAmended March 10, 2020. Changed Parcel ID 0711317023005800010 from PSP to SFR-2Amended September 17, 2019 (Ordinance # 2019-21)Scrivener Error CorrectionAmended April 13, 2020. Changed Parcel ID 2110300000020400000 from MPD to AGRCorrection by Land Use Administrator Amended June 29, 2020. Filled in vacated portion of Old Kings Road ROW. (Resolution # 2009-03)\"\\\\gisfiles\\GIS Server\\Departments\\PLANNING\\ZONINGandFLUM\\updates\\correction_emails\\sr24648_oldkingsroad_row.msg\"Amended October 6, 2020 (Ordinance # 2020-12)Scrivener Error CorrectionAmended January 29, 2021. Changed Sutton Place Plat and Plat of Palm Coast Section 20 Wynnfield Subdivision from MFR-1 to SFR-2Amended May 4, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-06)Amended June 22, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-10)Amended May 18, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-07)Amended March 2, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-03)Amended March 2, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-04)Scrivener Error Correction Amended August 9, 2021. Changed portion of Parcel ID 0312310000010100190 from SFR-1 to COM-2Amended August 17, 2021 (Ordinance # 2021-15)", "copyrightText": "ITC / GIS", "editFieldsInfo": { "creationDateField": "CREATEDDATE", "creatorField": "CREATEDBY", "editDateField": "EDITDATE", "editorField": "EDITOR", "dateFieldsTimeReference": { "timeZone": "UTC", "respectsDaylightSaving": false } }, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": true, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": true, "isDataArchived": true, "infoInEstimates": [ "extent" ], "isDataBranchVersioned": false, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": true, "startArchivingMoment": 1594071448000 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsQuantizationEditMode": true, 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